

Begin personal log, Tuesday 3rd of Febuary, 111.

My new Dockmaster started work a couple of days ago, courtesy of Vincent Pryce: a woman named Jaqueline... She likes to be called 'Jack' apparently. She's every bit as rough around the edges as Jarred was, and the rest of my staff seem to like her well enough. Strangely though, I've not actually seen that much of her... I suspect she heard the rumours about what happend to my last Dockmaster and is avoiding me. Regardless, my ships are well maintained and general hangar operations are at peak efficiency at the moment so she must be doing something right.

I've run out of sedatives, and I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand it's nice to be able to actually get a full night's sleep again, but on the other I really can't stand sticking a needle into my wrist every night. I still have these weird headaches, and... Well, I still do feel the urge to Crash still. But I've resisted the temptation by pouring myself into my work to try and take my mind off of it.

On that note, the deal with our new ship supplier appears be a success as we are now recieving a good stream of ships and equipment to help our cause. I've also recently come into contact with an old friend of mine who offered his services to help ease our current logistical problems. And as result, I am now the owner of a brand new Pilgrim-class Recon cruiser - Wraith. She's currently in drydock being refitted to my specifications by the maintainance team. As beautiful as she is, I admit I'm quite nerveous at the prospect of flying her... I've never really flown anything quite like a Pilgrim, and while I've researched it's capabilities and developed appropriate tactics, actually putting that knowledge into practise could be quite difficult. The last thing I want to do is undock and immediately get it blown up, like with that Crusader... Also, I don't really trust myself with it at the moment. Not until I've got my head straight again.

There is a slight pause as Kimochi drops two fizzing headache tablets into a glass of water and gulps it down thirstily.

I took my Vengeance out for another spin earlier, and that mysterious vibration seems to have gone... I did ask the maintainence staff what they'd done to fix it, but they swear they've not touched it since last week. Someone must have done something, things like that don't just fix themselves - and there was definately a vibration there before.

Another pause.

...Definately. Wasn't there?


End log.

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