
A New Era

This weekend I became an outlaw... My citizenship has been revoked, and i'm now listed as 'Kill On Sight' to anyone who cares. I figured since this is something of a milestone, I might as well start this log which I have been putting off now for a while.

My thoughts on finally becoming an outlaw are... Kind of jaded, really. I've spent the last several weeks getting myself into the mindset required by someone of my security status - warping off the very second I undock, trying not to hang around Stargates for too long, treating every single neutral ship I see with suspicion - so it's had little actual effect on my flying style.

Ultimately, allowing my security status to drop to such a level feels like having a line drawn under my past life. I never want to go back to the Navy, which is fortunate because even if I tried to now they would probably put a bullet through my head and be done with it.

I've committed so many crimes that I've lost count. Deserting the Imperial Navy. Stealing a Retribution-class assault frigate - along with a contingent of slaves that had been assigned to me. Murdering countless thousands of innocent crewmen - and three less than innocent Minmatar rapists. Aiding agents of the Angel Cartel in various illegal activities.

Yes, I've committed many crimes. Despite all that though, the only thing I regret is waiting as long as I did before joining Ghost Festival. These people are my family now... I no longer need the Empire or it's bigoted self-righteousness. The Cartel provides everything I need... Even some things which would have been denied to me as a pilot in the Imperial Navy.

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